First weekend of the New Year featured a slumber party in Providence with the likes of Mario Rojas, Brad Tytel, Eilis Cahill and Sarah "Spanish Import" Cassel, pictured having fun outside our house here. It was a full house, especially with Eilis' two dogs that came up from New York as well. Shannon, the elder, is a humble german sheppard who spent most of the time on the couch unless we offered her a walk in the snow.

Tenoby, the younger, is a black lab pup whose four months on earth have yet to teach him how to control his bladder. Needless to say our kitchen has seen its fair share of bleech over the past few days. Amidst cute animals, homemade waffles, and good friends, we really enjoyed ourselves. Good times.

Work is, by its nature, less fun -- but you wouldn't be able to tell from these pictures. We held our first retreat of 2006 at Dave & Busters, a video arcade at the Providence Mall. When not tending to my camera man duties,

Business as usual up in RI, just trying to get into gradschool, get the bronchita-saurus out of polly's chest, and do good work.
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